Introduction to longboarding

PART 3: Safety and Apparell

In longboarding, it is important to think about safety. It is not a dangerous sport but serious injuries can happen if you are not dressed properly.

For someone who has never had experience skateboarding, it is absolutely important to wear a helmet when first starting out.


Knee pads and elbow pads are also recommended.


It is very important to have the right kind of shoes on. I highly recommend skateboarding shoes if you want to be comfortable on your board. When you are first starting out do not buy  any expensive shoes, buy simple ones because they will get damaged while you find ways to get familiar with the board. Do not try to skate with running shoes! Below is an example of a skateboarding shoe and brand. If you are unsure about the type of shoes, it is best to ask for assistance in the shop.


When first starting out, avoid wearing shorts to prevent bruises. You will most likely not fall (because this guide will tell you how to avoid falling) but it is always good to ensure safety.

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