Introduction to longboarding

PART 1: Introduction to Longboarding.

What is longboarding?

Longboarding in fact commenced as being called “Sidewalk surfing” during the 1950s ( the exact year is not certain). It was developed by Surfers during that time and later developed by skateboarders. These surfers came up with the idea because they wanted to experience the feeling of surfing on hard surface, in other words it was made as an alternative to surfing. Also, surfers used longboarding as training when there were no proper waves to surf. Longboarding as aforementioned has been around since the 1950s but only became popular during the 1990s. (1) (2) (3)

The difference between Skateboarding and Longboarding

  • Most Longboards are inspired by the design of surfboards so  many look like surfboards with wheels. (2)
  • While skateboards are not made for traveling at high speed, longboards are.
  • Skateboards have one design meaning they come in the same shape. Longboards come in multiple shapes and sizes.
  • Longboards are made specially for cruising that is why they are bigger, more comfortable and have larger wheels. (1) (2) (3)
  • Although the common skateboarding tricks can be done on a longboard. The most common Longboard freestyle is called dancing. (1) (2) (7)
  • Longboarding is very good for sliding due to the soft wheels. (1) (2)  (3) (7)
  • Longboarding is widely popular for downhill racing (1) (2) (3) (5)


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