Introduction to longboarding


Beginners Guide To Longboarding

My aim for this guide is for people/those interested to learn and get comfortable with long boarding in the quickest, easiest and most comfortable way.  To accomplish this aim, i have made this blog in order to give the best possible explanation on longboarding and what one needs to do in order to learn quickly.

I split this into 6 different sections

The things that will be covered will be:

1. Intro to longboarding

2. Different types of boards and setups

3. Safety and Apparel

4. Tips for getting on the board, riding, stopping, balance, turning and getting used to the board

5. How Longboarding can be useful

6.Best websites, Youtube channels and videos to learn more

PART 1: Introduction to Longboarding.

What is longboarding?

Longboarding in fact commenced as being called “Sidewalk surfing” during the 1950s ( the exact year is not certain). It was developed by Surfers during that time and later developed by skateboarders. These surfers came up with the idea because they wanted to experience the feeling of surfing on hard surface, in other words it was made as an alternative to surfing. Also, surfers used longboarding as training when there were no proper waves to surf. Longboarding as aforementioned has been around since the 1950s but only became popular during the 1990s. (1) (2) (3)

The difference between Skateboarding and Longboarding

  • Most Longboards are inspired by the design of surfboards so  many look like surfboards with wheels. (2)
  • While skateboards are not made for traveling at high speed, longboards are.
  • Skateboards have one design meaning they come in the same shape. Longboards come in multiple shapes and sizes.
  • Longboards are made specially for cruising that is why they are bigger, more comfortable and have larger wheels. (1) (2) (3)
  • Although the common skateboarding tricks can be done on a longboard. The most common Longboard freestyle is called dancing. (1) (2) (7)
  • Longboarding is very good for sliding due to the soft wheels. (1) (2)  (3) (7)
  • Longboarding is widely popular for downhill racing (1) (2) (3) (5)


PART 2: Different boards and setups

Before buying a board, it is good to know the different types of boards and how and why they are different.  The first thing you need to know is what you intend to do with the longboard before you buy one. Knowing this is very important because you might buy a longboard and be disappointment in that it is not suitable for your style of preferred riding and potentially you could lose interest, which means you will be missing out!

Key information:

The longer the board, the more stable it will be, turns are less sharp (4) (5) (7)

Consider your weight before you buy a board, ask the shop assistan5 for what is suitable for your weight and height.

Larger wheels roll longer (7)

If your looking to just cruise, any longboard is suitable for you


Kicktail: It is curved at the end which means skateboarding  tricks are easier to do. Good for cruising, better for those who are familiar with skateboarding. (6) (7)


Pintail: Most common type of longboard, good for cruising, designed for flatland cruising. (5) (6) (7)


Drop through: it is called a drop through because as seen, the trucks drop through the deck. It has more balance and more stability in comparison to the others. Excellent for tight turns and steep hills, designed for carving on steep hills, suitable for snowboarders. (5) (6) (7)


Drop down: Good for steep hills and long distance. (5) (7)


Freestyle:  Good for anyone who prefers/plans to mix up their riding style or more causal longboarding. (5) (6) (7)


PART 3: Safety and Apparell

In longboarding, it is important to think about safety. It is not a dangerous sport but serious injuries can happen if you are not dressed properly.

For someone who has never had experience skateboarding, it is absolutely important to wear a helmet when first starting out.


Knee pads and elbow pads are also recommended.


It is very important to have the right kind of shoes on. I highly recommend skateboarding shoes if you want to be comfortable on your board. When you are first starting out do not buy  any expensive shoes, buy simple ones because they will get damaged while you find ways to get familiar with the board. Do not try to skate with running shoes! Below is an example of a skateboarding shoe and brand. If you are unsure about the type of shoes, it is best to ask for assistance in the shop.


When first starting out, avoid wearing shorts to prevent bruises. You will most likely not fall (because this guide will tell you how to avoid falling) but it is always good to ensure safety.

PART 4: Tips for getting on the board, riding, stopping, balancing.

Getting on the board sounds like a very simple task but it is not! If you have never stepped foot on a board before, here is what you need to know:

  • Make sure you are on flat surface
  • Start out on smooth concrete

When first getting onto a longboard, the best thing to do is to take a slow approach. An important thing to keep in mind is a part of Newtons first law which is: An object at rest will stay rest unless acted upon by another force. Before you step on the board, the object is at rest (when it is not accelerating , it is at rest.) so keep in mind that when you step on the board, the board will start to accelerate a little and will therefore throw you off balance. This only happens on the first few times you try to get on the board, after that you will get used to it and balance won’t be a problem anymore. As mentioned above, the best way to practice this is on flat surface because on flat surface, you have full control of the board and the board will stay still. I used Newton’s first law to explain this because many people do not think about how the board will react when first getting on. That is why many people fall after simply trying to step on the board. If you keep this in mind, that you getting on the board will cause it move, you will be more aware and more careful when stepping on it.

Balance: Step by step

  • Make sure the board is on flat surface and smooth concrete
  • Approach the board, stand sideways, put your front leg on it,(behind the front bolts) put your back leg on (same place as you put the front but just on the back) then quickly crouch (this helps with balance for first timers.) As soon as you feel that you’re going to fall, do not panic just quickly crouch.
  • Hold on to the sides of the board while crouching. (Remember you are sideways on the board so hold on to the sides that are next to you. Many people get confused with this and try to hold the nose and tail of the board)
  • The board will very slowly accelerate. As this is happening put your back leg on the ground (this stops the board)
  • With the back leg on the ground, slowly let go of the sides and stand up.
  • Slowly kick backwards with your back leg and gently put it back on the board. It will slowly accelerate.
  • Congratulations, you are now riding your board
  • Lean forward to turn right and lean backward to turn left (Or if you push with your left leg, lean backwards to turn right and forward to turn left)
  • Since you haven’t given it a proper push the board will accelerate very slowly so to simply stop again, crouch down, hold the sides and put your back leg down. (Again, the crouching is only a good strategy on your first few times.)
  • Get off the board

Pushing the board:

A good thing to have in mind about pushing the board for first timers is Newtons third law: For every action, there is an equal and opposite amount of reaction. Just like the exhaust of a rocket (fuel being pushed backwards in a rocket engine) pushing a longboard requires you to kick backwards, (as if your doing a back pass in football/soccer) for it to move forward. So remember, your action is kicking backwards and the opposite  reaction is the board moving forward. If you kick forward, you will most likely go off balance or the board will just go backwards. In depth, Newton’s second law states that the greater the force, the faster an object accelerates and the greater the mass (weight) the slower an object accelerates. This means that if your board is heavy you need to apply more force to your kick (push harder) to gain faster acceleration. (Remember: You will have more stability on heavier boards but it will not be as fast or as easy to execute turns. It is always best to start out with lighter boards because you will learn how to balance and turn much quicker than you would on a heavier board)

When you first start out, start with light pushes and then as you get comfortable, push harder and harder. The harder you push, the more pressure you need to apply on your back leg in order to stop.


There are two main ways to stop. One is using your back leg on the ground and the other is to jump off the board.

  • Jumping off the board is only an effective way to stop if  you are off balance. With jumping off, a good thing to keep in mind again is Newtons third law. You jumping off the board is the action and the board moving in the opposite direction is the reaction. When jumping off, do not jump forward, instead jump backwards as it is safer. After you jump off, the board will continue to move and within seconds it will stop on its own.
  • Using your back leg to stop is the easiest and most efficient way when first starting out. Simply just take your back leg off the board and gently step on the ground. The faster you are moving, the more pressure you will need to apply to it in order to stop.

You will go off balance trying to stop during your first few tries with higher speeds and harder pushes, it is natural and all it takes is practice to get better and by practicing for a few times, you will master it in no time. Same with all the other techniques  mentioned above. Your first tries will be sloppy but the more you skate the better you will become without even realising it! The best way to get comfortable on your board is to ride on it as much as you can. The more you ride the quicker skating will feel natural to you, allowing you to develop more skills and techniques on your own.

PART 5: How Longboarding can be useful

Longboarding can help with:

Confidence: Once you learn different tricks and variations in longboarding, you will develop confidence to do other physically demanding challenges.

Going Places: You can get to places faster with a longboard and its also fun!

Relaxing and calming down: Longboarding is very relaxing and it allows you to enjoy nature while riding. If you want to take your mind off things or just want to clear your head, longboarding is a great method. Just going for a cruise really helps.

PART 6: Best websites youtube channels and videos to learn more

This guide only helps you get started but to develop more skills, from my experience  it is best to watch videos. Here are some good youtube channels that will help you learn more and develop your skills.


1.”The History of Longboarding.” LIVESTRONG.COM. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Oct. 2013 <;.

2.”Longboarding Information.” Longboarding Information. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Oct. 2013. <;.

3.”History of Longboarding.” N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Nov. 2013. <;.

4. “GUIDE TO LONGBOARD SHAPES.” LONGBOARD SHAPES. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Nov. 2013. <;.

5. “Understanding Longboard Decks.” Windward Boardshop. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Nov. 2013. <;.

6. Plunderventures. “Choosing Your Deck – 5 Types.” YouTube. YouTube, 14 June 2012. Web. 01 Nov. 2013. <

7. SkaterHQ. “SkaterHQTV – Introduction to Longboards.” YouTube. YouTube, 12 Feb. 2013. Web. 01 Nov. 2013. <;

PHOTO LINKS (Bibliography)

1.”Proteak X Surf Rodz Olo Gun Longboard Skateboard Deck 1 Proteak X Surf Rodz Olo Gun Longboard Skateboard Deck.” Proteak X Surf Rodz Olo Gun Longboard Skateboard Deck 1 Proteak X Surf Rodz Olo Gun Longboard Skateboard Deck. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Oct. 2013. <;.

2.”DB Longboards Wolf Prowler 36″ (PRE-GRIPPED) Longboard Deck.” N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Oct. 2013. <;.

3.”PopScreen – Video Search, Bookmarking and Discovery Engine.” PopScreen. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Nov. 2013. <;.

4. Atomlongboards. “MBS.” Atom Pintail Longboard. Atom Longboards, n.d. Web. 02 Nov. 2013. <;.

5. “Sector 9 Dropper 41.8″ Platinum Drop Through Complete Longboard.” Sector 9 Longboards, n.d. Web. 02 Nov. 2013. <;.

6. “Vault Dropdown Freeride 41.” Skateboard Express. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Nov. 2013. <;.

7. “Sojourn V4 Hybrid Longboard.” Hybrid Longboards. Bustin Brooklyn, n.d. Web. 02 Nov. 2013. <;.

8. “Skate Helmet- Matt Fuo Green.” Traction Kites UK. Traction Kites UK, n.d. Web. 02 Nov. 2013. <;.

9. “Triple Eight KP 22 Knee Pads.” Triple Eight KP 22 Knee Pads. Triple Eight, n.d. Web. 02 Nov. 2013. <;.

10.”Nike 6.0 Ganha Concorrentes: Conheça as Marcas Que Oferecem Modelos Similares!”Comprartenisorg RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Nov. 2013. <;.